Three qualities characterize trails at Jones Gap: very steep, rocky, almost violent ascents and descents; old road beds that follow contours, climbing and descending into the many draws that feed the Middle Saluda River; and rolling ridgeline singletrack. Falls Creek and Hospital Rock trails provide all three, draped in a variety of flora.
Mine was the only car in the parking area when I left the trailhead off Falls Creek Road. Steep blocky trails climbed quickly to Falls Creek Falls, for me a real surprise, falling some 100 feet in two steps.
The trail crossed the bottom of the second step, and changed names to Hospital Rock Trail for no apparent reason.
The trail climbed sharply, and by the sound of things, parallel to the falls, then worked its way upstream. This is Falls Creek just before the falls, rhododendron hanging thick above the stream and trail.
The trail continued to climb, sometimes very steeply, traversing the base of granite cliffs left exposed by a variety of geological events in roiling turmoil that marks the area.
Having reached the ridge about 50 minutes in, I crossed over the peak of whatever ridge I was on, with filtered views that will disappear come summer. I was just on the edge of cold in a t-shirt.
The trail bears the scars of the violent geology of the Blue Ridge escarpment; cliffs loom overhead, trees grow into and around rock outcrops, blocks fall down steep draws.
The view up Jones Gap, viewable because of the wide electric utility right of way scar. Below me were digging machines and fresh damage.
The trail crosses the top of and then descends beside Cleveland Cliffs, passing below this waterfall whose name I don’t know. I remember at this point that I’m running back up there on the way back.
This portion was runnable, climbing and descending slightly both ways, fun rolling terrain. In summer, the many briars on the sides of the trail are probably out of control. Somewhere through here a turkey lifted off, a cacophony of beating wings.
I stop often for small things.
I was there.
Run details:
distance: >13 miles
ascent: <3600 feet
total time: 3:40
Always enjoy reading about your runs - looks like a great day for one! I hope to check out Jones Gap sometime this year.