Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Twenty Seven Thoughts While Riding to Work

1.       Despite all the efforts to structure the streets more safely, safety lies in the actions of the people who use them.
2.       Some people may never get the idea.
3.       You can’t argue with stupid people, who continue to argue their point even when they know it’s wrong.
4.       The tree covered streets of my neighborhood are much cooler than the streets of the downtown area.
5.       Electromagnetic loops respond mostly to cars.
6.       Right on red should be against the law in any area with a lot of pedestrians.
7.       Stop lines are not for a car’s rear wheels.
8.       Intersections are especially scary when crossing drivers roll to a non-stop.
9.       Never underestimate the impatience of a driver turning left.
10.   Facebook mobs are scary.
11.   I shouldn’t be surprised by those who refuse to believe clear evidence.
12.   Violence is easier said than done.
13.   Too easy, in fact.
14.   Don’t let anyone ruin your peace.
15.   Wheels in city government move slowly.
16.   Wheels in people’s minds move more slowly.
17.   Dangerous road conditions facilitate laziness.
18.   Being a contributing member of a group makes us happy.
19.   Crossing the street mid-block is not a revolutionary act.
20.   Though there is safety in numbers, sometimes a crowd makes me nervous.
21.   Riding through town is a friendly act.
22.   I’m glad my coffee cup fits in a bottle rack.
23.   The hardest part about riding to work in the summer is not sweating.
24.   All road users break laws sometimes.
25.   Helmets may look dorky, but no helmet looks stupid.
26.   Slick tires roll fast.
27.   Riding my bike to work is an act of happiness.

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