1. Why do people complain about traffic safety and drive dangerously at the same time?
2. If you wave to other active commuters a couple of times, they become your friends.
4. Sometimes I wonder why I read these things before I get on my bike.
5. I’ll say it again (and probably again): Roads are only safe when the users make them that way.
6. The prickly pears on the beaver tail cacti I pass on the way to work are ripening.
7. Urban orchards are a cool idea.
8. Daily watering leads to shallow roots leads to weak grass.
9. Even without bike lanes and traffic, I bet I win on short trips.
10. There seems to be more chatter about helmets or no helmets lately.
11. I wear a helmet for the same reason I wear a seatbelt.
12. Arguing about helmets seems to avoid the greater issue of safe biking facilities.
13. I wonder what it would be like to go for a run with Robert Frost.
14. What kind of running shoes would Wallace Stevens wear? Firecats, of course.
15. I run far. Other people run farther. This will not change.
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